
Quick Info : When a user successfully completes an offer, we immediately trigger a call to the Postback URL you have provided in your placement. This call contains all the relevant information required to credit your users, serving as a real-time notification to your server.

Postback Parameters



The unique identifier for the user making the claim.



The reward amount in Your currancy given for the user.



The unique transaction ID associated with the claim.



The type of device used by the user (e.g., mobile, desktop).



The amount in dollars given for the publisher.



A security signature to verify the claim's authenticity.



The name of the offer associated with the claim.

Lords Mobile


The unique identifier for the offer.



The status of the claim (e.g., pending, approved).

"0" for rejected , "1" for success, "2" for rejected


The IP address of the user making the claim.


The country from which the claim was made.


[USER_ID] and [REWARD] are always required and cannot be null.

Your server ip have to reply with "ok" for success postback response

Example postback url:

$user_id = isset($_REQUEST['user']) ? $_REQUEST['user'] : "";
$reward = isset($_REQUEST['reward']) ? $_REQUEST['reward'] : "";
$transactionId = isset($_REQUEST['txid']) ? $_REQUEST['txid'] : "";
$device = isset($_REQUEST['device']) ? $_REQUEST['device'] : "";
$payout = isset($_REQUEST['payout']) ? $_REQUEST['payout'] : "";
$signature = isset($_REQUEST['signature']) ? $_REQUEST['signature'] : "";
$offer_name = isset($_REQUEST['offer_name']) ? $_REQUEST['offer_name'] : "";
$offer_id = isset($_REQUEST['offer_id']) ? $_REQUEST['offer_id'] : "";
$status = isset($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : "";
$user_ip = isset($_REQUEST['user_ip']) ? $_REQUEST['user_ip'] : "";
$country = isset($_REQUEST['country']) ? $_REQUEST['country'] : "";

$allowed_ip = ''; // Define the allowed IP address for security
$timeCurrent = time(); // Current timestamp for tracking
$configs = new functions($dbo); // Initialize configuration functions

// Step 1: Verify the signature to ensure the request is authentic
// (Remove this if you want to test postback)
$expected_signature = md5($user_id . $transactionId . $reward . "Your_Secret_Key");
if ($signature !== $expected_signature) {
    // Log the unauthorized attempt and return an error
    error_log("Unauthorized signature");
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Unauthorized signature");

// Step 2: Check if the request is coming from the allowed IP address
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $allowed_ip) {
    // Log the unauthorized IP access and return an error
    error_log("Unauthorized access attempt from IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Unauthorized access");

// Step 3: Define your function for verify and store these data Here

// Return "ok" if everything is processed successfully and it have to be ok to response success
echo "ok";

Verify with ip address
$allowed_ip = '';
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $allowed_ip) {
    // Log the unauthorized IP access and return an error
    error_log("Unauthorized access attempt from IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Unauthorized access");
    echo "Unauthorized access attempt";
Verify with ip signature
$signature = isset($_REQUEST['[SIGNATURE]']) ? $_REQUEST['[SIGNATURE]'] : "";
$expected_signature = md5($user_id . $transactionId . $reward . "Your_Secret_Key");
if ($signature !== $expected_signature) {
    // Log the unauthorized attempt and return an error
    error_log("Unauthorized signature");
    api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Unauthorized signature");
    echo "Unauthorized signature";

Issues or Questions: Contact AdPortHub support at support@adporthub.com for assistance.

Last updated